Stay for 2 or more nights at the Grand Canyon Railway Hotel between February 13 and February 28, 2025 to unlock discounted train tickets.
For a limited time, enjoy up to 50% off train travel when you package with the Grand Canyon Railway Hotel for 2, 3, or 4 nights and check-in between February 13 and February 28, 2025.
Your unforgettable adventure to one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World starts here. Combine adventure, convenience, and incredible savings with our exclusive Stay & Save Platinum Offer.
Stay for 2 or more nights at the Grand Canyon Railway Hotel between February 13 and February 28, 2025 to unlock discounted train tickets.
We offer several train classes, from standard to luxury cars. All ride options come with delightful service and breathtaking views. With this Stay & Save Platinum offer, guests can save 50% on Pullman, Coach or First Class OR 25% off Observation Dome, Luxury Dome, or Luxury Parlor when you bundle your stay.
Absolutely! Kids love our indoor pool, and they’ll be mesmerized by the Wild West show, as well as the entertainers and musicians on the train ride.
Click the “Book Now” button to select your stay dates (2 nights or more), room preferences, and train tickets. It’s that simple!
Whether you’re gazing over the rim of the Grand Canyon, enjoying the Wild West flair of our historic railway, or unwinding at a hotel rich in comfort and charm, your dream getaway is just a click away.
With our Stay & Save Platinum Offer, this is your chance to save big and create lifelong memories.
*Advance reservations required and discount must be applied at the time of reservation. May not be combined with other offers. Minimum of a 2 night stay required to take advantage of this offer of up to 50% off train tickets. Available for stay dates of February 13 through February 28, 2025 only. Promotional quotes and reservations are subject to availability, pricing, and other restrictions at the time of booking. Other conditions may apply and are subject to change without notice.